And Ms Bradshaw Said....

the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.
And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Words arent enough to describe the Genius that is MARICEL SORIANO. IM A FAN BAKIT BA! hehe

I just bow down to her.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Graduation Outfit 1

DSC_2108 by soulrei2
DSC_2108, a photo by soulrei2 on Flickr.

The Graduation Outfit 2

DSC_2109 by soulrei2
DSC_2109, a photo by soulrei2 on Flickr.

I wore this under my Graduation Gown.

Long Sleeves from G2000
Vest Thrift

No Longer a Student

218262_10150186231828113_622338112_6938918_131517_o (1)218262_10150186231828113_622338112_6938918_131517_o209922_10150186229893113_622338112_6938889_8001528_o218644_10150186228258113_622338112_6938854_3319640_o218456_10150186227603113_622338112_6938845_1722946_o219703_10150186220393113_622338112_6938785_2232350_o

No Longer a Student, a set on Flickr.

After 16 years of formal education finally that chapter of my life is done. Now a new chapter opens and its an education called REAL LIFE.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Green Monsters

In my spare time or when inspiration strikes me i love to channel my inner shakespeare. this piece right here I wrote for our universities publication. (click to zoom)