I Was kinda bored earlier at school. After all my classes were done there was nothing else to do. It was one of those lazy daisy afternoons in a university. So i then tapped one my best buds JERICK PAUL SANCHEZ of Urban Productions to take my picture. considering i have a new hair do and it was my only chance to bug jerick to take my picture.
So we went up to the LPU tower and took this shots and im calling them DANCE IN THE DARK.
Compromise, is said to be one of the values that is forced upon people. We often hate the idea of it.
In terms of relationship we find it hard to deal and accept our better half's flaws but somehow we deal with it.
In school no matter how we hate wearing that uniform we have to adjust to the rules set by the academe.
In life in general We often compromise our own well being just to please other people.
There are lot of things that is compromised in our life, I could just go on and on with so many examples.
But as individuals aren't we always told to be ourselves? how can we be our own unique selves if we are forced upon to live to the likings of others? in a world where everyday is about fitting in, when does the art of compromise becomes too compromising?
Losing your temper isn't really the best way to go. Learned that today in two different but similarly stupid scenarios. One even involved me walking away. While i was I kept thinking " WHAT ARE YOU DOING EXACTLY??".
So after a walk around the walls.. I got to think about what a good friend of mine told me, when she said i had troubles expressing my problems. she said " SANA SUMABOG KA" and I did.
The thing is that i have gotten so used to being positive that I think i cannot any more process the negative. It retains in my system like a time bomb ready to explode any moment. Thats what exactly happened, All the pressures, problems and emotional baggages had came tumbling down. I gotten so sensitive towards my friends and how the way they talk. HECK !! i didn't even got the joke ...
Sometimes we tell ourselves its ok to be stupid cause were only human beings. but Ive come to realize that YES it really is ok but to jeopardize your friends and most especially your self's well being is not really the brightest thing to do.
To my two close friends GEN and SSIAN, My Apologies ....Well it was one of those stupid things im hoping we can laugh about in the future. i do feel guilty about what happened earlier especially the one with SSIAN.
This semester I am taking up a LOGICS subject, this mainly tackles strategic thinking and reasoning. so our first assignment was to answer the question How Do You See Yourself 20 Years from Now?
So basically I was bugged with it due to the fact that i didn't have a great answer and I was cramming yet again.
so what i had to say was....
( the actual assignment after the jump)
When we were asked to answer this question as an assignment, I felt somehow worried and agitated to come up with the best answer. And what’s really frustrating is that instead of having to come up with answers. Other questions in mind started to pop up. If you look at it a lot can happen in 20 years; Wars, Famine, Droughts, Government Scandals, Style Trends, Celebrity hook ups and Fall outs just to name a few. How can we really set our mind to be ready to think ahead of our time? Are we really advanced thinkers or just procrastinators? With all of this running trough my mind, I can help but to wonder?
So I thought the best way to answer this is to start of with the goals I have at the moment. First things first I want to finish college and earn a degree in MASS COMMUNICATION. Second after I graduate and earn a job in the Broadcast industry (and not to mention I would want a good paying job), I would want to balance a career in fashion as well. Fashion is another passion of mine, let’s say I live and breathe it. I even came to a point that I call myself A FASHION EATER due to the fact that I value fashion more than eating which is bad if I may add. I would want to be known as MANILA’s person to go to when it comes to STYLE. I would want to be one of those personalities that is known for their quirky antics and tasteful sense of style. Someone who has great skill in artistry with a sense of respect and discipline at his work.
After that another goal of mine is to have my own property over looking the city, why overlooking? There’s just a sense of contentment when you have your own house overlooking the busy street of the city. it’s as if you’re the one that is responsible for its existence. And finally just like everyone else, I would want to be contented and settled down. by that time if my calculations are correct I will be in my late 30’s. At that point I would want to be happy with what I have and not regretting the wrong things that I could have done but failed to do so. As far as living my life to the fullest I’m expecting I have accomplished some of my lifelong dreams, provided for my parents and touched and/or helped the lives of some.
With those goals in mind I am expecting and will be trying my very best to accomplish all of those. So I can look back and say “HEY THAT WAS ONE FUN 20 YEARS”.